Course level assessment is coordinated within individual departments by department chairs who work with faculty to develop appropriate student learning outcomes, conduct annual assessments, and implement continuous improvements to courses. The Center for Instructional Excellence assists departments in continuous improvements at the course level by working with department chairs to take the results of the assessment and provide support to close instructional gaps.
Program level assessment occurs annually via a program review process that is mandated by the state. Assessment within instructional programs is coordinated by the department chair or program manager in charge of the particular program. The specific tools used for program-level student learning assessment vary by department. In some cases, outcomes align with industry certification exams and/or national technical skills assessments, allowing those tools to be used to measure student learning. Results are stored in Canvas and used to communicate with deans to influence budgetary decisions, personnel hiring, and program improvement.
State level assessment, which on our campus is known as "Way of Knowing" Assessment, also occurs annually during assessment week. The seven “Ways of Knowing,” more commonly thought of as general education disciplines, are categories defined by the Idaho State Board of Education. General education faculty representatives from each of Idaho’s public colleges and universities created and are responsible for maintaining Way of Knowing student learning outcomes and associated rubrics. Way of Knowing assessment teams at CSI review assignments and artifacts from courses taught in a Way of Knowing area to ensure that outcomes are met and thereby that curricula are consistent throughout the state.
General education assessment takes place yearly and is coordinated by the Chair of General and Liberal Studies. All faculty who teach a general education course are expected to participate, including high school dual credit instructors. Under guidelines provided by the General Education Program Assistant, faculty submit assignments and student artifacts that support our larger general education goals of Think, Communicate, Connect, and Be Well. These submissions are collected in portfolios and assessed by teams of readers. Assessment results are used to reflect on the value and relevance of our General Education program and goals and to encourage continuous improvement of instruction to meet those goals.
The Instructional Assessment Committee oversees college-wide assessment and provides feedback on the entire process. This group plans and implements Assessment Week under the direction of appropriate instructional administration.
For questions about the Instructional Assessment Committee please contact Tiffany Seeley-Case at or 208-732-6779.
The General Education Review Committee oversees the approval of general education courses, reviews the general education course curriculum, and guides the general education assessment process.
For questions about the General Education Review Committee please contact Whitney Smith-Schuler at or 208-732-6844.
The Way of Knowing Assessment Groups meet annually to review the state-developed discipline area objectives.
For questions about the Way of Knowing Assessment Groups please contact Tiffany Seeley-Case at or 208-732-6779.